Anarchist Archive

The material contained in this text is gut-wrenching and disturbing. What follows is a critically annotated edition of Apio Ludd / Feral Faun / Wolfi Landstreicher's Child Molestation vs. Child Love, from his (otherwise celebrated) anthology, Rants, Essays and Polemics. It is a defense of the sexual abuse of children and, ironically, a call to "fight the real child molesters" - Landstreicher's term for parents, schools, and churches. In some parts of the work, it is quite graphic and the reader should tread lightly. Those who have suffered child sexual abuse in the past may want to stop here.

On Monday August 14th 2023, Philadelphia police officer Mark Dial shot and killed Eddie Irizarry as he sat in his car. Police initially lied saying that Eddie attacked the cop with a knife, but video footage showed that Eddie was shot in mere seconds while seated in his car with the window up. Following this Dial was suspended for 30 days pending termination. In early September Dial was charged with a number of crimes including murder but the presiding judge would eventually dismiss his charges. The cops who attended the court date in uniform cheered and celebrated when the charges were dropped. On September 26th, that same day Eddie’s family and the Party for Socialism and Liberation (alongside Black leftist groups like Black Alliance for Peace and the W.E.B. DuBois Movement School) organized a peaceful march through Center City protesting the decision. That demonstration dispersed after a couple hours but was followed by looting, initially in Center City before spreading to West, North, and Northeast Philly as the night went on.

In February of 1999, a journal titled Tiqqun appeared in France. Its subtitle was Organe conscient du Parti Imaginaire (Conscious Organ of the Imaginary Party), followed by Exercices de Metaphysique Crtique (Exercises in Critical Metaphysics). It was published by several graduate students in Paris, all of whom included their names in the publication data on the back page of Tiqqun.

It was winter 2020 and in the aftermath of the most inspiring anti-colonial uprising of my lifetime, I read Rattachements (Re-attachments in English) and Inhabit. The trains had started up again across the country, and COVID-19 was starting to reorder our lives mere weeks after we had been doing our small part to help shut down Canada. In and around Tio’tia:ke (Montreal) where I live, there were many Indigenous-led initiatives, including solidarity rounddances that blocked traffic downtown, and of course the month-long blockade of the railway tracks that run through Kahnawá:ke. On and around the island, the engagement of settlers in #ShutDownCanada took a number of forms including clandestine sabotage of rail infrastructure, demos and vandalism of RCMP property, and multiple rail blockades, one of which lasted a few days.

C’est à l’hiver 2020, au lendemain du soulèvement anticolonial le plus inspirant de ma vie, que j’ai lu Rattachements et Inhabit (traduit par Habiter dans la version québécoise). Les trains avaient recommencé à rouler à travers le pays, et la COVID-19 commençait à réorganiser nos vies, quelques semaines seulement après que nous ayons fait notre petite part dans le mouvement #ShutDownCanada. À Tio’tia:ke (Montréal) et dans ses environs, là où je vis, il y a eu de nombreuses initiatives menées par des Autochtones, notamment des rondes de solidarité qui ont bloqué la circulation au centre-ville, et bien sûr le blocage des voies ferrées qui traversent Kahnawá:ke qui s’est maintenu durant un mois. Sur l’île et autour, l’engagement des colons dans #ShutDownCanada a pris plusieurs formes, notamment le sabotage clandestin d’infrastructures ferroviaires, des manifestations et du vandalisme sur les propriétés de la GRC et de multiples blocages de voies ferrées, dont l’un a duré quelques jours.

Breaking Ranks

Subverting the Hierarchy and Manipulation Behind Earth Uprisings


Against the Party of Insurrection

A Look at Appelism in the U.S.


Appelism is an informal strain of authoritarian communism that has been gaining traction on this continent over the past decade or so. Taking up elements of both the revolutionary party structure and insurrectionary anarchism, this tendency rebrands authoritarian communism as something that looks like informal networks but acts like a party.

A critical reflection on the recent Block Cop City mobilization in so-called Atlanta, Georgia.