Combat Manarchists


To the true anarchist anarchy is freedom from rulers and the patriarchy; to the manarchist it is the freedom to exercise patriarchal control and rule over others. Combat manarchists.

The true anarchist stands with the oppressed and the ruled against their oppressors and rulers; the manarchist feels free to go on one side or the other to defend his interests. Combat manarchists.

To the true anarchist, anarchy is the end; to the manarchist it’s but a means. Combat manarchists.

The true anarchist understands the necessity of the complete destruction of the patriarchy and acts accordingly; the manarchist at best mentions it in passing during theoretical debates. Combat manarchists.

The true anarchist understands that ridding oneself of bigotry is necessary to allow others to live freely; the manarchist believes attempts at combating bigotry are attacks on his freedom. Combat manarchists.

The true anarchist does their best to support others within the movement and destroy the hierarchies that may appear within it; the manarchist does his worst to push others away from the movement and abuse those who remain. Combat manarchists.